Page 4 - The Doubler (Ash Ward) : Flip It & Read It
P. 4

Over the êrst 3 complete months we're averaging 23 bets per month and making 12.17pts proêt.
                             That's over 0.5pt proêt per bet placed (win or lose) - this is a great mark of consistency.

                                                           Click here to check out all the resutls
                                                                           Updated weekly

                                                          How I win 61.45% of my bets

              For a start we're not trying to re-invent the wheel, we're just looking for winners because winners equal proêts.

                So I'm quite often advising low odds favourites. If that's not the sort of betting you want to do, then thats ok.

               But if you like winners or proêt for that matter, then its a great approach as you can see from the stats above.

         I'm a member of a fair few online racing forums, social media groups and I've found myself while in the pursuit of proêt

                                          watching a lot of racing and looking over the cards on a daily basis.

        This has all added to my selection method, there's no "contacts at the yard" there's no "inside information" here, just me

            looking over the cards and making my best pick of the day based on every thing I have learnt over the last 2 years.

           Is it perfect, of course not, we're winning just over 6/10, far from perfect but thats a decent rate when you're betting

                                  above evens. Its a rate that has allowed proêts to ëow and grow - thats the goal.

             I will sometime back a selection under 1/1 but I will put this into a double so the overall odds are above 1/1 (2.0)

        We don't always double our money. Despite not backing under even's there are occasions were non-runners and rule 4
       deductions will lower our return to less than what we're staking, we're still making proêt with a win but we're not doubling

                                                                               our stake.

                                                           If you're looking for a betting service that:

                                                                     Only provides quality bets

                                                                      Wins more than it loses
                                                           Has longer winning runs than losing ones


                                           Has made proêt for the last 3 months and is in proêt in month 4...

                                                                      The Double is for you!

                                                            Try out The Doubler for £10
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